I first stopped blogging because I started school. But now Stuart is doing his master’s so I am done with school for a few months till it’s my turn again. So I thought I should get back on the ball with updating pictures and such. But then the whole purpose of my blog was to some day make a book out of it. From things I’ve read and people I’ve talked to it becomes double the work. I had to first put it into blogger (which is not very user friendly and takes forever to upload the picture quality I want) then I have to move it all over to another format for the book. It’s just too much time wasted! So I decided to stop the blog and just make the book. I am up to date on my kid’s books and love that feeling. Every year I will give my kids their own book of pictures and memories for Christmas. (I do it through Costco) They look at their books every day and love talking about “when they were babies.” Ginny is so funny with Jaxon’s baby book and constantly kisses it saying, “Oooo Baby!”
Then I got that all organized and thought I might update for any fans out there… then about 2 weeks ago I found out Jaxon is allergic to WHEAT & EGGS!!
WHAT?! Seriously?! I already hate to cook and now I am forced to cook because it costs way to much other wise and there are not a whole lot of places that give these options without outrageous prices. (at least not that I have found yet)
So my new journey, which takes up all my time and energy, is finding good recipes and snacks that he can enjoy. If any of you have good information that you can send my way I would greatly appreciate it.
I feel so blessed to have the internet and all the information so easily accessible. I am finding that sprouts will be my new favorite store and that we are going to have to budget better with how expensive this is. Overall, I feel so blessed to finally know what’s been up with my little guy. He has been sick his whole life and I can’t help but think this has something to do with it.
I’ll give more updates once I feel like I’ve got this under control :)
Switching Over to Instagram
8 years ago