Jaxon and I on our new trampoline.
What a fun Christmas present Santa brought us.

Daddy and
I think Ginny likes her Jeep... what do you think?
Jaxon really wanted a skateboard.
So that is what he got from Ginny. He loves it.

Ginny really wanted a box for Christmas!
That is all they want at 9 months!

Bawden and Ginny

Shana Fern & Daddy

Tamra 32,
Camie 15, Shana 24,
Janae 30,
Amber 29, Kelly 26, Daddy (age undisclosed :)

Dean holding Ginny at Superstition mall. They sure hit it off. Ginny and
Jaxon both love it when Dean comes to visit.
Whenever Jaxon sees another balding man he says,
"MOM! It's Dean!!" So cute! Sure love and miss you Dean!

Jaxon and Grandma Wilson
Gingerbread house day

Wilson Christmas Caroling

The Santa that
arrives in a helicopter.
Ginny is not sure what she thinks.

Great Grandpa
Bawden with Santa Clyde

We call this the "Classic Santa Picture"
I mean how funny is that?!

We went to the Mesa High Play Off game.
Even though they lost we still had a great time.

Peterson Family... Jake had this awesome Mesa High
jump suit on. I wish I got a picture of just him. :)

I love this cheese ball

Payton Merrill 1 year old

Jared 3 Years Old &
Jaxon 2 Years Old

Thanks Aunt Nat for all the great hair cuts you
give us! I just LOVE this picture.

We now know where Ginny really got her eyes! :)

This is Santa who came to help us deliver some gifts.
Thanks so much to all of you who helped make Christmas
happen for a special family this year!
what a fabulous month it was!
we got the same awesome gift from santa this year too!
don't worry, haven't forgotten about the book. instead of packing it away with the christmas decor, it's on my shelf so i don't forget. am still trying to catch my breath. sounds dumb i'm sure. it was just a whirl-wind of a season this year. =)
hope this month's been nice as well. take care & put your feet up for a second, luv!
Shana Fern!! I'm cracking up at the picture of Ginny and your dad. THE EYES - gorgeous!
Your family is so cute:) Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas and just a great time with your family! I still love GINNY to death my favorite is the picture of Uncle Reece and her, she sure has his eyes! So cute, love ya and hope everything is going great!!
Enjoy your kids, they grow up too fast. I am already lonely and Ryan hasn't left yet. Love the Pictures, you are all darling!!!
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