Sunday, September 6, 2009

5 Wonderful Years

Stuart and I had our 5 year anniversary on September 1st. First of all I cannot believe that we have been married for 5 years. Seriously though, we have had such a wonderful 5 years. We never had the "hard first year" of marriage like many people tell you about. We just mesh well together. To be honest the only thing that we really argue about is which family we are going to be with on holidays. We have gotten much better about compromising and switching off years but it still is sometimes difficult.

On our anniversary our alarm went off at 5 a.m. just like any other day. Stuart rolled out of bed and quickly turned the alarm off and get ready for work. We said prayers (me mostly asleep like normal) and he left. I woke up at 6:30 and realized that neither of my kids had woken me up. I was so excited. I quickly got dressed and walked out to the front room to read before Jaxon woke up. I walked out and could hear the t.v. on. I thought to myself, what in the world?! Jaxon is up and came out here and turned the t.v. on? (normally, he yells for me to come and allow him to come out of his room. I love it!) When I turned the corner Stuart was sitting there with a big smile on his face. He had gotten up and gone to the store and gotten me flowers and a card (I'm a sucker for a good love letter!) He also went grocery shopping for me too! I mean seriously! It was just what I needed. So we went to the gym together (another favorite thing to do together) and then came home and got ready to go on a date. We went and saw "The Proposal" which I thought was great and then went to dinner. It was one the best days we/I have had in a long time. So overdue.

I love Stuart. I think that I got the better end of the deal in our relationship. He is so wonderful. He works so hard and does so much for our family. Not a day goes by that I don't tell myself that I actually married the man of my dreams. He his a dream come true. Everything I ever hoped for. I really just do my best to keep him falling in love with me.

I love you Stuart, you are my everything!


Miss Lisa said...

What a sweet blog! I just have tears in my eyes...always do everything you can to keep that love alive...nourish it and give it plenty of sunshine! Thanks for sharing! Happy 5th Anniversary! :) I'm so happy and proud of you both!
Love you...Aunt Lisa oxoxo
PS I know you're mommy is pretty proud of you too! :)

Miss Lisa said...

Ok, I'll try this again! I left a comment, but it deleted...ugh!

I just wanted to say I loved your sweet blog about your 5th brought tears to my eyes! Always keep that love alive by nourishing it and giving it plenty of sunshine! Your example is are two wonderful people...thanks for your goodness...I'm very proud of you.
Happy 5th Anniversary!

Love you...Aunt Lisa

PS I believe your mommy is pretty proud of you too and is smiling at you! :)