Sunday, September 6, 2009

What's New?!

Ginny is 6 months old now and has started eating solids. She does not like it very much. It is really a bummer because she will only nurse so I'm feeling a little like a cow at the moment. But it is nice that she nurses so great so I guess I cannot complain. Ginny is also sitting up. I love it and she loves it. She loves just being able to absorb all that is going on around her. She is so fun. I really enjoy this age. For me this is when the fun begins!
Brynn and Ginny sitting up together!
Ginny at the movies with Stuart and I. She loved sitting in the big chair and being able to watch the lights on the big movie!

Stuart and Ginny ready to go swimming
Ginny eating her favorite solid food so far - carrots

Jaxon being his crazy and fun self. I just love this kid. He really is a joy!


Stevie and Meesha said...

Your little girl is so CUTE:) I can't wait to meet her next week. I am very excited to come down and see everyone! By the way, My husband is going to call your husband for romantic ideas:) Lol...So just warn your husband! So cute! Love ya, and see you in a week:)

Unknown said...

She looks like her momma!