Ginny is 6 months old now and has started eating solids. She does not like it very much. It is really a bummer because she will only nurse so I'm feeling a little like a cow at the moment. But it is nice that she nurses so great so I guess I cannot complain. Ginny is also sitting up. I love it and she loves it. She loves just being able to absorb all that is going on around her. She is so fun. I really enjoy this age. For me this is when the fun begins!
Switching Over to Instagram
8 years ago
Your little girl is so CUTE:) I can't wait to meet her next week. I am very excited to come down and see everyone! By the way, My husband is going to call your husband for romantic ideas:) Lol...So just warn your husband! So cute! Love ya, and see you in a week:)
She looks like her momma!
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