Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Stuart's 27th birthday. I couldn't feel more lucky to be married to Stuart! Here is my top ten list of why I love my much OLDER husband :)

(in no particular order)

1. I will always LOVE his dimples. They make me melt!
2. I love it when Stuart and I are talking at night (when he is very tired) and he starts to say some very funny things. My favorite thing he's ever said is, "Did you make all your dials?" haha!! and just last night he said, "Did you get all the beds?" I have no idea where that came from!
3. I have NEVER met another man as loving and willing to make me happy. He will do anything for me just so that I'll be happy. Of course I love that!
4. I love how Stuart works. He works until the job is done. He is so good at working hard. I know his dad taught him and I am thankful for that!
5. Stuart can dance! I love it when he dances for our nieces and nephews and they all think he's the best thing since colored t.v. My nephews always say, "Remember when Stuart did the worm backwards? Yeah, that was cool!" ohh good times!
6. I love how freakin' hot Stuart is! He has got the cutest tush ever! :) I also love his hair. He has got some great hair!
7. I love how he loves Dr. Pepper so much that he finds excuses to make QT runs. He even takes the young men to QT almost every Wednesday after mutual to get some D.P.
8. I think it's great how he doesn't mind getting up on Saturday's with Jaxon because he knows they get to watch cartoons together.
9. Even though sometimes it is very hard for me to be supportive I love how he serves the Lord. He works so hard at his church callings and does his very best to read the scriptures every morning. He has to wake up so early but he gets up even earlier to spend some time reading, praying, and pondering. These simple actions have blessed our family so much.
10. And last but not least, I ABSOLUTELY love how my kids love their daddy. Stuart went to youth conference this last weekend and Jaxon just could not get over the fact that Stuart was not there to read to him and then pray with him before he went to bed at night. He asked about him the whole time he was gone. Then once Stuart got home Jaxon ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug. Jaxon still is stuck to Stuart's hip. I think Jaxon is worried Stuart might leave again soon and he wants to make sure he goes with. He his so good with our kids. I couldn't be more happy to be married to my best friend.
I LOVE YOU STUART! thanks for all you do for us.

1 comment:

Robbie, Kelly, Jared and Payton Merrill said...

We are lucky to have such great husbands! I am so glad you have Stuart!!